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Resident Led Meeting to Discuss Franklin Park, Shattuck Hospital Redevelopment on Oct. 24

Last updated on October 17, 2019

Jamaica Plain residents are invited to a public meeting to discuss the future of the Shattuck Hospital Campus redevelopment process on Oct. 24.

The meeting is being led by the newly-formed Parks + Committee of the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council.

There have been three previous public meetings led by the state with the last one being in June 2019. This community led meeting will provide an update on the most recent plans, the history of the site, future possibilities, and more. Residents are encouraged to provide feedback on what they would like to see at the Shattuck Campus and Franklin Park.

The state is relocating 260 inpatient beds to the Newton Pavilion at the Boston Medical Center campus. The state is relocating the beds because the campus needs significant renovations.

Nonprofit provider programs currently operating at the Shattuck, including residential treatment programs, outpatient psychiatric services, Pine Street shelter and methadone clinic, will remain at the Shattuck.

The Executive Office of Health and Human Services and the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance have led a 10-month planning process, which ends this month.

The meeting will be on Thursday, Oct. 24, from 7 to 9 pm at the Farnsworth House (90 South St.)

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