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Little Dipper, Brendan Behan and Main Street Volunteers Honored by Mayor

The recent extreme heat delayed Mayor Marty Walsh touring around Main Street districts highlighting local businesses and volunteers, including several of Jamaica Plain’s favorite businesses.

Mayor Walsh, JPCSMS Executive Director Ginger Brown and Melvin Tutiven.

Some of the JP part of the tour was rescheduled for July 22, and some of the tour was rescheduled for this weekend. During three separate days, Mayor Walsh will visit nine different locations, honoring 20 Main Street volunteers and numerous businesses.

Hyde Jackson Square Main Streets volunteer Rich Parritz being honored for his work.

This weekend the PikaloX restaurant and volunteer Eugenia Arroyo, will be honored as part of Egleston Square Main Streets. The Little Dipper restaurant, and volunteer Melvin Tutiven will be honored by the Jamaica Plain Centre South Main Streets program. On July 22, the Brendan Behan Pub and volunteer Rich Parritz were honored by the Hyde-Jackson Square Main Streets program.

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