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Student Researching Lyme Disease Will Humanely Trap Rodents at Your Home in Jamaica Plain, and Seeks Community Involvement

I am student researcher at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine conducting a funded research project investigating the risk of Lyme disease in urban areas.

Rodents are the main source of feeding for ticks, so this study will focus on Lyme infected mice and rats in Jamaica Plain. I will be humanely trapping rodents and collecting a small amount of blood to test for Lyme bacteria. Rodents will be unharmed and released after the brief sample collection.

I strongly believe that successful research is dependent on local stakeholders and community involvement. I’d like to reach out to JP residents and ask if anyone would be willing to allow me to set traps in their yards and participate in this citizen science project. Traps are safe and will not cause harm to wildlife, pets, or humans.

IACUC approval (regarding animal research ethics) and permits from Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife have been obtained. Please let me know if you’d like more information regarding this project, or if you have any advice regarding community participation. I look forward to getting the JP community involved!

Please email me at or call me at 724-249-5623.

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