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City Launches Boston Summer Eats Program, Providing Free, Healthy Meals to Youth

Last updated on July 10, 2019

The Boston Summer Eats Program, which provides free, healthy meals to youth, was launched by the city on July 10 at the Anna M. Cole Community Center in Jamaica Plain.

The Boston Summer Eats program provides free meals to youths 18 and younger, and was kicked off at the Anna M. Cole Community Center in Jamaica Plain on July 10, 2019.

The program is organized by the Mayor’s Office of Food Access, in partnership with Project Bread, the YMCA of Greater Boston, and Boston Children’s Hospital.

The program is offered at more than 100 locations across Boston while providing free, healthy meals to youth ages 18 and under to “reduce food insecurity and fill the gap that occurs in nutritious food access during the summer months when school is out of session.” 

The Boston Summer Eats program provides free meals at more than 100 locations throughout the city during the summer.


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