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JP Photographer Robin Radin’s Two-Person Exhibit at Boston Convention Center

Last updated on May 31, 2019

Jamaica Plain photographer Robin Radin is currently exhibiting her photographs in a two-person exhibition, along with digital paintings of Woods Hole artist Jon Goldman, at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center through July 22.

“Neighborhoods and villages are usually defined by geographic borders. Socially, they are imbued with personas that have communal and political significance. They can evolve over time, but ultimately they are defined by their own history and location. Both Radin and Goldman employ their work as a means of documenting, celebrating, and asking questions about the geographic communities in which they are embedded,” said Caitlin Foley, exhibition curator. “The interaction between the artists and the subject of the works in this exhibition plays a small yet significant role in shaping how these communities view themselves. These two distinctly different bodies of work complement one another via their shared exploration and documentation of place and community.”

The exhibit is on the 2nd floor northwest lobby gallery. The BCEC is located at 415 Summer St., Boston. The exhibit will run until July 22, 2019.

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