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Calling All Dems: Ward 19 Democratic Committee Electing Delegates for State Convention May 18

Last updated on May 6, 2019

The Boston Ward 19 Democratic Committee caucus will be held on May 18 to elect delegates and alternates for the 2019 Massachusetts Democratic State Convention.

Anyone is welcome to attend the caucus, and all Democrats who are registered or pre-registered in Ward 19 can vote. Boston Ward 19 includes parts of Jamaica Plain and Roslindale. Click here to see which ward you reside.

Pre-registered Democrats who will be 16-years-old by May 11, 2019 will be allowed to participate and run as a delegate or alternate. Ward 19 can elect 26 delegates and five alternates.

Youth, minorities, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ individuals who are not elected as a delegate or alternate may apply to be an add-on delegate at the caucus or at For more info about the Boston Ward 19 Democratic Committee please check out bostonward19dems.

This year’s Massachusetts Democratic Convention is on September 14 in Springfield.

The Boston Ward 19 Democratic Committee caucus will be held at the Farnsworth House Community Room (90 South St., Jamaica Plain). Doors open at 9:30 am and close at 10 am. Ward 19 Democrats must be inside by 10 am to participate in electing delegates and alternates.

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