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Stonybrook Neighborhood Slow Streets Meeting May 8

There will be a community meeting to discuss the traffic diverter pilot project that was previously installed on Dungarven Road in the Stonybrook neighborhood on May 8.

The Boston Transportation Department (BTD) installed the pilot traffic diverter on Dungarven Road, which was just south of the intersection with Gartland Street, on June 15, 2018 and removed in October 2018.

At the upcoming meeting, the BTD will share a summary of data and observations collected before, during and after the traffic diverter was installed. Resident feedback that was collected will also be shared, and residents will be able to provide feedback at the meeting.

The strategy of the diverter was supposed to:

  • Discourage people from driving the wrong way on Washington Street
  • Discourage drivers from cutting through Hatoff’s driveways
  • Discourage and eventually end wrong-way driving on Williams Street
  • Reduce the number of people navigating the low-visibility intersection of Dungarven/Kenton
  • Reduce the volume of thru traffic on Kenton Road

This public meeting will be at 6:30 pm on May 8 at English High School (144 McBride St.). For more information on the purpose of the diverter pilot project, click here.

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