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Boston Schools Respect Week Promotes Respectful Student Conduct In-Person and Online

Last updated on February 11, 2019

This week all Boston Public School students from sixth to 12th grade are learning about how to engage in positive interactions with their peers, whether it’s in person, via text or online.

During BPS’ first-ever 24/7 Respect Week all middle and high school students are watching a video called Stay Out of the Box. After watching the video students will participate in classroom discussions about how bias-based behavior and sexually explicit comments and images can be damaging to themselves and their peers. They’ll learn about the dangers of posting derogatory and inappropriate messages on social media. The video is co-produced by the Boston Student Advisory Council (BSAC) and the Office of Equity.

BPS’ 24/7 Respect Week includes a website resource page for students, teachers and parents. The website provides some basic info that many people forget about when they’re online:

  • Think before you speak, text, or post.
  • Ask yourself is it welcome, true, or kind?
  • Anyone can see what you post!

Teacher resources include resources for the Anti Defamation League, anti-bullying resources, BPS’ acceptable use policy and more.

Parents are provided links to the Southern Poverty Law Center and info about social media privacy settings.

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