Last updated on January 20, 2019
A new small volume, appointment only tattoo business opened on Washington Street in January and they only create original designs. That means no cartoon characters, no album covers, and gosh darnit, nothing you saw on Pinterest.
After six years in a Commonwealth Avenue location, Brilliance Tattoo relocated to 3399 Washington St. and they are “focused on fully custom, original work.”
“Our customers are collectors of our art who appreciate our welcoming environment, commitment to diversity, and personalized service. We choose to tattoo a smaller pool of customers than most shops in order to focus on people who truly connect with our work,” says Tattoo Brilliance’s website.
Due to Brilliance’s customized service they don’t take walk-ins, so you must request an appointment for a consultation. Also, they stress that you follow the rules to request a tattoo appointment because otherwise your email will not receive a reply to your booking request.