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DCR, Converse, Wheels of Steel Providing $75K to Renovate SW Corridor Skate Park

Last updated on January 20, 2019

The state’s Department of Conservation and Recreation is providing $50,000 on top of $25,000 from Converse and Wheels of Steel to renovate an existing skateboarding rink on the Southwest Corridor. 

The rink is between the Green Street and Stonybrook MBTA stations and has makeshift skateboarding ramps.

“I’m incredible grateful for the partnership between DCR, Converse, and Wheels of Steel, which will fund the much-needed renovation of an outdoor recreational space for our community’s youth and future generations to come,” said state Rep. Liz Malia (D-11th Suffolk).

Every year, the DCR accepts applications from organizations to provide funds for park improvements that are matched by DCR. DCR doubled the combined $25,000 donation from Converse and Wheels of Steel, giving $50,000, for a total budget of $75,000.

The project is expected to go out to bid this winter and DCR would like to start work during the spring.

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