Last updated on October 15, 2018
Developer City Realty is proposing combining two lots into one at 197-201 Green St., razing a vacant professionally-graffitied house and constructing a 4-story mixed-use building.
City Realty’s proposal is two combine two lots into one and construct the building, which would be rental residential units, include one retail space and six off-street parking spaces.
The current proposed unit breakdown is for: 4 studios, 4 live/artist work units, 12 1-bed units, and 3 2-bed units. A City Realty rep said the current plan is to make the live/artist work units into affordable Inclusionary Development Policy units, but that will be determined by the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA).
One lot at 197 Green Street has the “Little House on Green Street,” which was professionally graffitied by local artists. The other lot, 199-201 Green St., is currently an easement driveway with parking on it.

The proposed building is also in compliance with the JP/Rox Plan except for the proposed height being one foot over recommendations, and that was done at the BPDA’s request to match the height of the adjacent building, said Cliff Kensington of City Realty, to Jamaica Plain News. Zoning variances would still need to be granted.
City Realty had a previous plan for a building to be built on four lots, 197-201 Green St., and two other lots at 3371-3375 Washington St. But those plans were scuttled because the proposed building didn’t align with JP/Rox Plan requirements, and tenants, El Embajador Dominican Restaurant (3371 Washington St.) and De Chain Auto Service (3373 Washington St.) fought with City Realty to stay at their locations. As a result, City Realty has opted for their current proposal.
The Boston Planning & Development Agency is hosting a public meeting about the proposal on Oct. 25 at 6:30 pm at the YMCA Egleston Square. City Realty has held a meeting with the Union Avenue Neighborhood Association and an abutters meeting, according to Kensington. City Realty is scheduled to appear at the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council Housing Committee on Oct. 16.