Last updated on July 1, 2018
This September incumbent state Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez is being challenged by fellow Democrat Nika Elugardo, who wants to unseat him at the state representative for the 15th Suffolk District. Not sure who you’re going to vote for? Then you should attend the July 9th candidate forum with both candidates.
The forum is being hosted by JP Progressives, Our Revolution Boston, NAACP Boston and Amplify LatinX.
In 2017, Sanchez’s political profile was raised after he was selected to chair the House’s Ways and Means Committee, which is a powerful committee. Elugardo told Jamaica Plain News that she feels too much progressive legislation is sitting in the Ways and Means Committee.
Questions may be submitted via (enter code #W353) in advance of the forum. You can also vote on questions. First and last names must accompany all questions submitted.
This is a free event and seats will be available on a first-come basis. Doors will open at 6:45 pm and the forum begins at 7 pm. The forum is being held at the First Baptist Church (633 Centre St.).
The Suffolk 15th District includes parts of Jamaica Plain, Mission Hill, Roslindale and Brookline.