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JP’s Community Servings: Mission for Medically Tailored Meals Raises Record $735,000

Last updated on April 28, 2018

The 26th Annual LifeSavor Gala to benefit Jamaica Plain’s Community Servings nonprofit raised a whopping $735,000 to provide made-from-scratch, medically tailored meals to homebound and critically ill neighbors.

Left to right: Jeff Bellows, vice president, corporate citizenship and public affairs, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, event co-chair and title sponsor; Garrett Harker, owner and proprietor, Eastern Standard Kitchen + Drinks/Island Creek Oyster Bar, event co-chair and title sponsor; Colleen Richards Powell, vice president and director of corporate citizenship and diversity, MFS Investment Management, event co-chair and Michelin chef sponsor; Rick Musiol Jr., senior vice president and regional director of public affairs, New England and New York, Citizens Bank, board member of Community Servings, event co-chair and presenting sponsor; David B. Waters, CEO, Community Servings. (Photo by Matt Kurkowski for Community Servings)

The gala was held on April 26 at The Langham Hotel and drew more than 850 guests and involved 90-plus area restaurants. Please visit for more info about Community Servings.

Click here for more articles about Community Servings on Jamaica Plain News.


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