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JP Residents Prepare for Dedham Choral Society Concert at Jordan Hall on April 29th

Last updated on April 23, 2018

Under the musical direction of Jamaica Plain resident Jonathan Barnhart, the Dedham Choral Society concludes its 2017-18 season with a concert entitled “Haydn and Mozart in Salzburg” at Jordan Hall on April 29th.

Left to right: Dedham Choral Society director Jonathan Barnhart and David McGaffin (bass).

The concert is featuring soloists, including soprano Susan Consoli, mezzo-soprano Thea Lobo, tenor Jesse Darden, and baritone Ulysses Thomas, a full orchestra and an 80-member community chorus on Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 3 pm at New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall (30 Gainsborough Street, Boston). The full program consists of the Vesperae solennes de Confessore by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Michael Haydn’s Missa in honorem Sanctae Ursulae. Jamaica Plain residents David McGaffin and Andrea Vandeven also are singing in this concert.

“(The concert) is majestic and serene: adjectives describing both the architecture of Salzburg and the music of its most famous native son, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. For the Salzburg cathedral, Mozart composed one of his most beautiful works for the soprano voice, Laudate Dominum from the Solemn Vespers for the Confessor, frequently performed separately and incorporated into quite a few film soundtracks,” said Barnhart

Inspired by the vocal and instrumental gifts of Sister Maria Sebastiana, a Benedictine nun, baptized Ursula Anna Josepha Oswald, Michel Haydn composed a mass setting featuring prominent writing for both the soprano soloist and the orchestral violins. Haydn dedicated the Mass to her name day’s saint, the patron of school girls. “Imagine the strains of the chorus, orchestra and soloists, pouring out from the Salzburg cathedral, the beautiful music echoing through the valleys of the majestic Alpine landscape!” concludes Barnhart.

Ticket are available from Dedham Choral Society members and online at until April 21, 2018, and from the Jordan Hall Box Office starting April 23, 2018.

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