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Letter to the Editor: Thanks to Rep. Malia for ‘We the People Act’ Support

Last updated on December 4, 2017

We are grateful to state Rep. Liz Malia for supporting the We the People Act (H.1926 and S.379). Not only is Rep. Malia a co-sponsor, but she also took action this month by sending a joint letter to committee chairs hearing the bill urging a positive report.

This bill would have Massachusetts, the cradle of American democracy, join the other five states (VT, CA, IL, NJ and RI) that have already voted to propose a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision. Until We the People, through our elected state representatives and senators, exercise our constitutional authority to amend the Constitution in this way, our political landscape will continue to be dominated by multi-national corporations, billionaires and other powerful special interests, and government of, by and for the people will continue to be a mirage.

Amending the Constitution is a heavy lift, but it has been done 27 times before. Without constitutional amendments, former slaves, women, and people old enough to serve in the military would not have a voice in public affairs. Now it’s our turn to live up to the first three words of the Constitution, “We the People,” and make our government responsive to the needs of all the people, not just the wealthy few.

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