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Seven JP Land Parcels To Be Sold, Including One With Community Garden

Seven Jamaica Plain land parcels along the Southwest Corridor are slated to be sold, and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) says the creation of residential housing is the best use for five of the parcels.

Parcel B105-5, located off Everett Street near the Green Street MBTA station, is a 22,103 sq. ft. lot valued at $707,000. It is zoned for a three-family building. MassDOT says the best use is three three-family detached buildings.

A public meeting led by MassDOT will be held Wednesday, June 7, at 6:30 p.m. at English High School to provide an overview of the parcels and present a draft/template for requests for proposals (RFPs) “in order to receive public comment prior to issuing the final RFPs,” according to a MassDOT meeting notice.

The seven parcels are located on several streets: Oakdale Street, Call Street, off Spalding Street and off Everett Street. In an overview of the parcels, the MassDOT denotes “highest and best use” for the properties. Most recommendations call for the addition of residential buildings.

Two of the parcels are currently zoned as recreational/open space, but the MassDOT notes there is potential for residential units to be built if they were rezoned.

One of the properties, 8 Oakdale St., currently has a community garden on it, and the “best use” is to maintain the garden. But MassDOT notes that if that 6,475 sq. ft. parcel were rezoned residential, “there is potential for two housing units to be built.”

Another parcel, B114-1 parcel, which is 7,662 sq. ft. and located off Spalding Street, is currently zoned for recreational/open space and could be rezoned for residential use. This parcel has the potential for three units to be built on it, per MassDOT.

The five remaining parcels are zoned for three-family residential buildings intended to fit with the character with the neighborhood. The largest is the B101-5 parcel located off Everett Street, which is 22,103 sq. ft. and has an assessed value of $707,000. The “highest and best use” is for three three-unit buildings to be built.

Parcel B108-5, which is located off Call Street and 3,432 sq. ft., must obtain additional street frontage prior to any building. It could be combined with an adjacent parcel owned by the city of Boston that has frontage on Call Street. Parcel B-108-5 has an assessed value of $54,900. The MassDOT said the “highest and best use” is for a single-family detached dwelling.

A map of the seven parcels to be sold.

The schedule for consideration of the parcels is as follows:

  • June 30: Deadline for comments related to draft RFP.
  • July: Issuance of RFP.
  • September/October: Deadline for submission of proposals.
  • October/November: Designation of buyers for all parcels.
  • June 2018: Deadline for conveyance of all parcels
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