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Jamaica Plain Resident Runs Boston Marathon on Behalf of uAspire

Jonathan Schoeck was one of nearly 30,000 runners in the 121st Boston Marathon on Monday. This was the first marathon for the Jamaica Plain resident, who was running for uAspire through an entry provided by John Hancock.

“uAspire’s mission to find paths to post-secondary education for all students was something that resonated with me,” said Schoeck, a father, runner, designer and coffee enthusiast. “My wife has done similar work with first generation students, so I immediately understood the importance of what uAspire is working towards, and it’s becoming ever more important.”

uAspire’s mission is to ensure that all young people have the financial information and resources necessary to find an affordable path to – and through – a postsecondary education. To accomplish this mission, uAspire partners with schools and community organizations to provide financial aid advice and advocacy to young people and families to help them overcome the financial barriers to higher education.

Each year John Hancock donates guaranteed entries to select nonprofits, which use these entries to recruit individual runners to raise money for their cause. Last year, John Hancock nonprofit runners raised more than $11 million for more than 140 different local organizations. For over 30 years John Hancock has been the principal sponsor of the Boston Marathon. The company’s continued support of the Boston Athletic Association, which has directed the race since 1897, ensures that the race will continue to be a world-class event and an important facet of Boston’s culture and heritage.

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