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JP Progressives Leading Discussion on Impeaching President Trump on Thursday

Saying the nation is witnessing a massive corruption of the presidency worse than Watergate, the JP Progressives are hosting a conversation on Thursday on impeaching President Donald Trump.

The JP Progressives are hosting a special conversation with John Bonifaz, co-founder and President of Free Speech For People, on March 2, 2017, on impeaching President Trump.

“By refusing to divest fully from his business interests, President Donald Trump has been in direct violation of the US Constitution from the moment he took the oath of office,” said the JP Progressives via an e-blast inviting the community to the event. “The President is not above the law. We will not allow President Trump to profit from the presidency at the expense of our democracy. Join us for this special presentation to learn more about the campaign and the case for impeachment.”

The conversation will feature John Bonifaz, co-founder and president of Free Speech For People. The discussion will focus on why Congress should pass a resolution to start an impeachment investigation of Trump. As of Tuesday night, close to 900,000 people across the country had signed an online petition at

This event is taking place at the First Baptist Church, 633 Centre St., on Thursday, March 2nd from 7 to 9 pm. This event is co-sponsored by Free Speech For People, JP Progressives, Jamaica Plain Forum, National Lawyers Guild-Massachusetts Chapter, and RootsAction. 

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