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Jamaica Plain Receiving New Trauma Response Team for Residents Affected by Violence

Jamaica Plain is one of five Boston neighborhoods that will be receiving new neighborhood-based trauma response and recovery teams to strengthen efforts supporting residents affected by violence.

Mayor Marty Walsh announced the establishment of the new trauma response teams during his third State of the City Address on Tuesday.

Along with JP, Dorchester, Roxbury, Mattapan and East Boston will receive teams that will be managed by the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) and co-led in each neighborhood by teams consisting of a community health center and a community partner.

Jamaica Plain’s team will be lead by Brigham and Women’s Hospital with Southern Jamaica Plain and Brookside Health Centers. JP’s community partner will be the Tree of Life.

Neighborhoods that don’t have individual trauma response teams will be provided a 24-hour hotline for residents seeking support and citywide trauma response services.

“With the new Neighborhood Trauma Teams, in the aftermath of violence, community health centers, hospitals and community groups will now be able to coordinate immediate response and sustained recovery for all those affected,” said Walsh. “Together, we’ll break the cycle of violence and heal our city.”

The new teams are being supported by a combination of city funding, and grants from Boston Children’s Hospital Boston and Partners HealthCare System.

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