Last updated on December 8, 2016
The Stonybrook Neighborhood Association will be holding a brief meeting on Monday, Dec. 12th in which they will vote on a Stonley Road proposal for a four-story residential building. A potluck will follow the business agenda.
The current proposal for the site is a 4-story, 28-unit rental residential building situated on 30,720 square feet with 23 below-grade parking spaces. In November the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) board of directors recommended the authorization of a certification of approval in accordance with Article 80E, which is required for this project. The board also recommended that the Zoning Board of Appeals approve several zoning relief variances because, as proposed, the current amount of off-street parking and the rear yard size are insufficient for a project of this size, the site is not zoned for multifamily usage, and the building height exceeds current zoning guidelines. Click here to read more about the proposal.
There will also be an update on SNA’s involvement in PLAN JP/ROX.
After the business agenda will be the potluck and there will be conversation, food and drink. Please bring your own favorite food and/or drink to share.
Also, folding chairs for the potluck and volunteers are needed for set-up and clean-up. To volunteer for set-up/clean-up, please email If you have chairs to lend, please email Ralph at to coordinate drop-off.
The Stonybrook neighborhood is made up of the following streets: Brookley, Rossmore, Williams, Gartland, Kenton, Shurland, Dungarven, Stedman, Plainfield, Meehan, Stonley, Lotus, Burnett, Rockvale Circle, and neighboring portions of Forest Hills and Washington Streets.