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Casey Arborway Project Meeting July 20

A public meeting on the Casey Arborway project will be held Wednesday evening, on the heels of last month’s revelation that the projected completion date is now a year later than originally forecast.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) will hold the fifth public construction update meeting Wednesday, July 20, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at English High School. In addition to sharing a progress update, MassDOT officials will provide information on the next phases of the project.

As reported late last month, the project, already behind schedule due to last year’s historically bad winter, has been further slowed by issues with jet fan procurement, causing officials to re-sequence work as they await the delivery of fans next month. The projected completion date has been pushed to spring 2018, with an earlier “full beneficial use” date (construction speak for “everything done but the landscaping”) of fall 2017.

The MassDot website is tracking the project’s progress, and indicates that street light poles are being installed and paving is occurring this week.

Individuals wishing to be added to the project email list can contact Jim Kersten at 857-368-9041 or email

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