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Boston Police Union Agrees to Wear Body Cameras in Pilot Program

The Boston Police have reached a union agreement with the city for up to 100 volunteer patrol officers to wear body cameras in a six-month pilot program.

Mayor Martin Walsh and Boston Police Commissioner William Evans announced the agreement on Tuesday after the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association (BPPA) agreed to the pilot program.

Only patrol officers who volunteer to wear body cameras will be participating in the program. The start date of the program is still being determined. The pilot program will be evaluated after the six-month period to determine the next steps on a potential permanent program.

“In Boston, we are fortunate to have strong relationships with our communities and I’m confident that body cameras will serve as another tool for the Boston Police Department to continue their work in the neighborhoods,” said Walsh. “I look forward to working with the Boston Police Department as they learn best practices through this pilot program and I thank Commissioner Evans and BPPA for their cooperation on reaching this agreement.”

“This is a positive development that brings the Boston Police Department even closer to implementing this important pilot program in the city,” said Evans. “We are committed to building on the trust we have earned with our constituents while keeping our community safe.”

BPPA president Patrick Rose said the pilot program will enable the association to “evaluate whether body cameras contribute to officer safety, provide useful evidence for criminal prosecutions and help to foster positive relations with the citizens of and visitors to the City of Boston.”

Rose added he believes the pilot program will showcase the good work Boston police do on a day-to-day basis.

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