“Resident Permit Parking Only” signs have come to Moss Hill, where every house has a driveway and almost every driveway leads to a garage.
Resident Lois Tow said that some of her neighbors were unhappy when visitors to the Faulkner Hospital parked on the neighborhood streets. Also, streets near the Manning School get crowded when parents drop off their kids and pick them up. As Tow tells the story, someone came around with a petition, and the signs went up.
Tow said that her landscapers got a ticket and that an acquaintance who lives in Roxbury had trouble finding a parking place to attend an event at her child’s school.
“I think this is stupid,” said Tow. “We didn’t have a parking problem. We need to keep the city a welcoming place for people who have their kids in public schools.”
According to The Boston Transportation Department, a resident permit parking program can be initiated with “a petition signed by a minimum of 51% of residents who are 18 years of age or older and live on the streets proposed to be included in the program.”

Rambler Road, Winchester Terrace, Calvin Road and Louders Lane are still accessible, and there are four spots with a two hour limit on Whitcomb Avenue and Malcolm Road. Spots near the hospital on Whitcomb are marked Tow Zone. There is a small parking lot at the Manning School and paid parking at the Faulkner Hospital.
The majority of residents of Moss Hill would have supported this change, if the city abided by its own rules. We didn’t happen to find any petition signers last time we canvassed Moss Hill. If you are among them and would like to comment, please either email us or make a comment below.
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