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Jamaica Plain Library Events: Technology Training, Frida Kahlo Art Workshop and More

The Connolly and Egleston Square Branch Libraries have several upcoming programs. One program will help people receive technology training for jobs, there’s also bilingual story time and an art workshop inspired by Frida Kahlo’s work.

The BPL just began working with Tech Goes Home, an initiative helping to provide underserved residents the opportunity, tools, education and access required for 21st century skills development. Eight branches, including Egleston Square, will be holding workshops for community members. The Egleston Square one will be taught all in Spanish.

This workshop will be held on Wednesdays, April 13 and 20 and May 4 from 6 to 7:30 pm.

So what will participants get from these workshops?

  • An opportunity to spend 15 quality hours of training as part
    of a community in the Egleston Branch
  • Help accessing significantly discounted high-speed Internet
    for qualified participants
  • A web-based curriculum designed to help you access the powerful resources  on the Internet
  • The option to purchase a brand new computer for $50!

Registration is limited. If you are interested in participating, talk to a staff member or email Jess Elias at

And there’s also some great activities at the Connolly Branch Library.

On Monday, April 11 at 6:30 pm will be Neighborhood Maps with Ed McCarthy. Learn how Ed makes his own detailed maps of Boston and the unique facts he’s found. This is sponsored by the JP Historical Society. 

On three Tuesdays, April 5, 9 and 26 at 10:30 am, will be Bilingual Story Time/Hora de Cuentos Bilingüe.  There will be stories, songs, rhymes and other activities for children ages 2 to 4 (accompanied by an adult). Please register by calling the branch at 617-522-1960.  


On Wednesday, April 27 will be a Frida-Inspired Frame Art Workshop at 3:30 pm. Registration is required by calling the above phone number. Learn about Frida Kahlo’s life and work, and create your own picture frame. This is for children ages 7 to 10.  

On Friday, April 29 at 10:30 am will be Rhythms Heard Around the World: Music with Baba Rumas. This is for children 0 to 5, in which they will be welcome to play along to the music with percussion instruments and then hear a story.

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