The once-in-a-generation planning effort that goes by the name “Plan JP/Rox” has started to produce specifics about what our neighborhood will look like. Here are the ideas being put forward for Jackson Square.
Jackson Square: “A neighborhood gateway that anchors a lot of businesses,” said John Dalzell, a senior architect for the Boston Redevelopment Authority. “It has a clear residential character along Columbus Avenue [and] that is where housing focus should be.”
There are five areas in the plan with a high spine from Dimock Street along Columbus Avenue. Apartment buildings up to 15 stories with commercial or cultural ground floor spaces are proposed. To put that in perspective, Bromley Park is 7 stories and 225 Centre St. is 6 stories tall.
It is proposed 980 units be built in these five contiguous areas.
To read more about the plan in general, and to find links to other posts about particular sub-neighborhoods, please read our main story.