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Old Harvest Co-Op Location to Get New Tenant in Next Six Months

A new tenant will be taking over the old Harvest Co-Op space on South Street in the next six months. But what type of business remains to be seen.

The original Harvest Food Co op just before it closed in January 2015
The original Harvest Co-Op before it closed.

A Boston Urban Partners employee confirmed to Jamaica Plain News that the 1833 sq. ft. storefront at 57 South St. has been leased.

Harvest Co-Op originally occupied the space starting in May 1999, opened a new market down the road on Washington Street by Forest Hills in December 2012, and then closed the South Street market in April 2015.

Empty for a year, it has been the source of much speculation. What would go there? A restaurant? A daycare? A pet store?  We’ll all know this summer.

Empty for a year but the storefront will see life and activity this summer/
Empty for a year, but the storefront will see life and activity this summer.
A big plus for the new tenant might be the outdoor patio. Will the old fence remain ?
A big plus for the new tenant might be the outdoor patio. Will the old fence remain?
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