Last updated on February 9, 2016

A Hyde Park Avenue space that most recently housed a convenience store where you could get beer, wine and booze along with your salty snacks could morph into “Forest Hills Fine Wine.”
The proposal for 18-24 Hyde Park Ave. is among the items on tap at Tuesday’s meeting of the JP Neighborhood Council’s Public Service Committee. The meeting is at 7 p.m. in the community room at the E-13 police station at 3347 Washington St.
Formerly “Forest Hills Mart,” the location is currently empty, aside from old shelving. Onibella Inc. is asking for a transfer of the convenience store’s all-alcohol license. Jason Katz is listed as would-be manager of the wine store.
It is somewhat rare for convenience stores in Boston to be able to sell beer and wine, much less hard liquor, as Forest Hills Mart was allowed to do.
Also of interest at Tuesday’s meeting is a petition from La Rana Rossa, Brad Brown’s new restaurant in the former Cafe Bartlett Square space. We’ve covered the basic news about the pizzeria and cafe venture in previous posts. The 154 Green St. venture is asking for a license to sell beer and wine. The license, if granted by the various levels of neighborhood review and city bureaucracy, would also allow patrons to enjoy beer and wine on the patio. La Rana Rossa is kitty-cornered from Green Street Station.