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Three Kings Day Celebrated in Jamaica Plain’s Latin Quarter

The Hyde Square Task Force celebrated Three Kings Day, or Dia de les Reyes, alongside the JP HONK! band on Wednesday, with a toy giveaway and parranda (parade or party) through Jamaica Plain’s Latin Quarter.

The Three Kings (played by HSTF youth) hand gifted books out to children at Headstart.
The Three Kings (played by HSTF youth) hand gifted books out to children at Headstart.

Parading and caroling, the Three Kings, played by Hyde Square Task Force (HSTF) youth, gave books and presents to children at both Headstart, pictured, and JFK Elementary School. Afterwards community members joined HSTF staff and youth caroling along Centre Street in JP, stopping at Blessed Sacrament Church, Aurum, and Whole Foods.

Thanks to our generous donors, Whole Foods, Aurum, and Telemundo Boston, children received gifts and the community enjoyed complimentary cookies and hot cocoa.

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