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Portrait of a JP Potter


We suspect many of our Jamaica Plain readers are already familiar with the work of potter Jeremy Ogusky. The JP resident, working out of his basement, has produced thousands of vessels — plates, mugs, bowls and pickling crocks — for Williams-Sonoma and several Boston-area restaurants, sometimes even delivering them by bike, according to a profile this week in the Boston Globe.

In addition to his restaurant and retail work, Ogusky has frequently shown his wares at JP events, and is also ones of the forces behind the Boston Fermentation Festival. The latter makes clear that the utility of his pieces is important to him. “It’s not art,” Ogusky told the Globe. “I’m not interested in making pieces that are very highly decorated or for a gallery.”

To read the full profile of Ogusky, visit the Boston Globe’s site. To see more of Ogusky’s work, visit his site.

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