GennaRose Nethercott, who recently moved to Jamaica Plain, sets up her table and typewriter at the Pond and writes poems for strangers.
Each poem takes her five to seven minutes. She’ll type it up, sign it and hand it to you. She simply asks patrons to pay her whatever they think the poem is worth.
On a Saturday walk around the Pond, Jamaica Plain News asked Nethercott to write about the Official Dog of Jamaica Plain News, Bosco. She says a lot of folks ask for poems about their dogs. Bosco, a muttly terrier mix, has distinctive white paws.
Here are a few choice lines from “Float (for Bosco)”
I am cloud tipped. I am always walking
on a piece of sky, or the foam
of a rising wave. I will not be anchored.
Nethercott says she’ll be setting up her typewriter by the Pond and by JP Licks, and perhaps elsewhere. Here’s her website.