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Amanda Palmer Loves Rick Berlin’s ‘Hate’

Rick Berlin “I hate everything but you” from Warren Farm Films on Vimeo.

JP rocker Rick Berlin has influenced a lot of other musicians. In Tuesday’s Herald, Amanda Palmer wrote a mash note to hearing Berlin’s “I Hate Everything But You.”

I don’t remember where I first saw Rick Berlin. But if memory isn’t failing too hard, it was at Jacque’s Cabaret, and it was part of my early rock and roll education.

The bar. The pool table. Six queens. Twelve patrons at tables, drinking cheap beer…and Rick, on stage, playing as passionately to those twelve goddamn people as he would if he were in front of a crowd of 12,000.

Among other things, Hyde Square’s Berlin (and friends) but together the JP Music Festival.
Click over to the Herald for Palmer’s full short essay on Berlin for the “Boston 101” project.

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