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Throwback Thursday Photo of the Day: Casey and the El

As a train travels towards downtown Boston along the Boston Elevated Railway at Forest Hills, a portion of the new Monsignor William J. Casey Overpass (Morton St.) is being constructed above. A commuter train on the former Boston & Providence Railroad route can be seen between the columns at the lower left. Notice the Metropolitan Police traffic booth on the sidewalk to the right. The booth was used by police who directed traffic during the morning and evening rush hours. Courtesy of Anthony Sammarco.

As a train travels towards downtown Boston along the Boston Elevated Railway at Forest Hills, a portion of the new Monsignor William J. Casey Overpass (Morton St.) is being constructed above. A commuter train on the former Boston & Providence Railroad route can be seen between the columns at the lower left. Notice the Metropolitan Police traffic booth on the sidewalk to the right. The booth was used by police who directed traffic during the morning and evening rush hours. Courtesy of Anthony Sammarco, via the JP Historical Society.

For our Photo of the Day on Thursdays, we highlight an image of old JP from the online archives of the Jamaica Plain Historical Society. This week, naturally, it’s a view during construction of the Casey Overpass back in the 1950s.

The Historical Society’s photo archive is a neighborhood treasure. Please visit it!

Each weekday we post an image from around the neighborhood.

If you have a photo that screams (or even whispers) “Jamaica Plain,” here are three ways to nominate it as our “Photo of the Day”:

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