Dear Editor,
We would like to clarify the Stonybrook Neighborhood Association’s position on the project at 3383-3389 Washington St. (Feb. 9, Neighborhood Committee Okays Fried Chicken Place’s Mixed-Use Transformation).
Specifically, we have no position. The developers may have met with individual SNA members but the SNA has not negotiated the details of this project in any official capacity, and does not support a statement such as “We’re very much in favor of this project.”
This statement was made by an individual who is a member of the SNA (having owned property within our boundaries) but is not an official spokesperson. We believe he was making the statement on behalf of his position as a newly established Union Avenue resident and abutter of the project.
Dan Scanlan and Jennifer Uhrhane
Co-chairpersons, Stonybrook Neighborhood Association
[Editor’s note: We’ve updated the story to add this context.]