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Countdown is on For Space Savers

A space saver on Paul Gore Street in February 2014.
A space saver on Paul Gore Street in February 2014.

The rule for space savers, established by former Mayor Tom Menino, is they can be used for up to 48 hours after the end of a snow emergency. Since the most recent snow emergency lifted at 6 p.m. Tuesday, that means space savers need to be gone from your street by 6 p.m. Thursday.

We’ve installed a nifty little countdown clock on the right sidebar of this website as a reminder.

Of course, there are streets in JP where space savers seem to stay in use year round (my old street, Weld Hill, was among them.)

Some neighborhoods have banned the Boston tradition. For instance, a civic group in the South End is trying to kibosh this piece of local culture.

Mayor Marty Walsh, a Dorchester guy at heart, recently gave public support to space savers.

For all your JP snow news in one place, check Jamaica Plain Storm Center.

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