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Own a Slice of JP History: ‘Kennedy Butter & Eggs’ Sign For Sale

Kennedy & Co. sign, 668 Centre St., Jamaica Plain.

The Kennedy Co. sign, which long was displayed above 668 Centre St., is for sale. Credit: Via Michael Reiskind

Kennedy & Co. closed back in 1999, but the store’s antique sign is back on the market. The 668 Centre St. space today is home to Hatched. But the original, porcelain-coated enamel on steel sign that graced the front of the store was bought by JP Lick’s Vince Petryk. He recently put word out that’s he’s selling the 19-foot by 3-foot sign for $999.

“I am hoping that the sign can remain in Jamaica Plain,” said neighborhood historian Michael Reiskind.

That store front has a special place in Jamaica Plain News history, as that was the venue for our April 3 launch.

Interested persons are asked to email Vince Petryk at

Here’s another view of the sign. Reiskind says it is in two parts so it can be taken apart for transport (hopefully not outside of JP, though!)

Kennedy Butter & Eggs operated at 668 Centre St. for 32 years. It closed in 2000.
Kennedy Butter & Eggs operated at 668 Centre St. for 32 years. It closed in 2000.
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