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MetroPCS Robbed at Gunpoint

In the latest of at least three JP armed robberies, the MetroPCS in Jackson Square was hit Sunday.

A gunman came into the cell phone store at 316 Centre St. about 5 p.m. Sunday and demanded the clerk put money in a plastic bag.

The suspect is a white man in his 30s, about 5-10 with a thin build and wearing an Army-green jacket, said Police Officer Rachel McGuire. The man was wearing a gray winter hat, black sunglasses and white jeans. He showed a black handgun.

The suspect fled toward the Jackson Square T, McGuire said. Police searched the area to no avail. McGuire said the store has surveillance video of the incident.

There have been several armed robberies in Jamaica Plain in the past week and a half. A man with a gun robbed JP Variety on South Street on Tuesday. On Saturday, Jan. 3, it was JP Auto Service on Centre that was hit.

To put these crimes in context, however, major crimes declined 11 percent in 2014, according to Boston Police statistics.

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