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Police Issue Alert After Two Muggings Near Stony Brook T

On Friday, police in Jamaica Plain sent out a list of tips to make yourself less likely to become a crime victim. The community alert was sparked by an armed robbery on Wednesday and an attempted armed robbery on Thursday.

Both of the incidents took place as people walked home from Stony Brook Station, police wrote in their alert.

Here are a few of the tips:

  • Be alert of your surroundings and the people around you.
  • Avoid walking alone and trust your instincts. Cross the street to avoid groups loitering or hanging out.
  • Do not talk on a cell phone or wear headphones while listening to an iPod, CD player or radio while traveling. This activity significantly decreases your ability to pay attention to your surroundings and makes you a target for criminals.

And here’s a link to the full community alert, which contains more safety tips.

The victim in Thursday’s attempted mugging posted a description of the incident using the Jamaica Plain News “From the Community” section.

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