A new monthly film series, “Film Night @ the LGH,” will be held at Jamaica Plain’s historic Loring-Greenough House, kicking off Friday, Oct. 24, 2014, 7 pm, with a terrifying documentary, “My Amityville Horror.
Child eyewitness Daniel Lutz recounts his version of the infamous Amityville haunting that terrified his family in 1975. The “My Amityville Horror” screening is sponsored by Jamaica Plain’s The Meeting Point (“Social justice heals”) www.themeetingpoint.org and a therapist from The Meeting Point will lead a discussion afterward about issues raised by the film. Limited seating. RSVP: on the Loring-Greenough House Facebook Event page at http://goo.gl/O4DEig
Sorry, the film is so frightening that it is not suitable for children. Admission: donation.