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Pond Association Takes Up Caffè Nero Monday

Last updated on September 7, 2014

Caffè Nero, 560 Washington St., on June 20, 2014.
Caffè Nero, 560 Washington St., on June 20, 2014.

Rise and shine, JP! Here’s your Morning Memo for Monday, Sept. 8.

Neighborhood Group to Consider Caffè Nero Request: One of JP’s biggest issues these days is whether Caffè Nero will indeed wind up opening in the old Commonwealth Bank space beside Blanchards on Centre Street. JP’s business organizations launched a united front against the idea. On Monday, Caffè Nero comes before the Jamaica Pond Association, looking for the neighborhood group’s support.* Another item of note on the agenda is Ten Tables’ request for a midnight closing time. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. at Jamaicaway Tower.

Big Development News in Rozzie Square: I know JP residents, especially Forest Hills residents, make use of Roslindale Square. In case you didn’t hear, Saturday was the groundbreaking for a huge 43-apartment, one restaurant development at the old trolley substation and former Higgins Funeral Home. Universal Hub, as usual, has the deets.

Urban Agriculture Fair: JP is a hotbed of city slickers rediscovering how to grow their own food. On Sunday, local farmers have a chance to show off their best produce at Agricultural Hall‘s Urban Agriculture Fair. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday at the Loring-Greenough House, 12 South St.

* Technically, the Pond Association votes not to oppose projects, as opposed to coming out formally in favor of them.


For more of what’s going on in the neighborhood, visit the Jamaica Plain News calendar. And here’s how to add your group or business’ event to the calendar.

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