I’m focusing today’s Morning Memo on the delights of Thursday’s Centre/South Main Streets Artwalk. Like eating Brad Brown’s ribs.
Whose Ribs?: The ribs in question are those of Brad Brown, proprietor of Blue Frog Bakery. For the Centre/South Main Streets Artwalk on Thursday night, he’s turning his 3 Green St. business into a “pop-up” restaurant serving Cambodian-style ribs. Overall, festivities run from 5-9 p.m. Me, I’d get over to Blue Frog on the early side as I bet the ribs will go quickly.
Best in Show: The “Screen on the Green” selection for Thursday night is one of my all-time favorites: the dog show spoof “Best in Show.” Weather permitting, it will start about 8 p.m. on the lawn at the Loring-Greenough House, 12 South St.
Ca$h Mob: Each First Thursday, the Centre/South Main Streets business group has randomly picked one local business to be the beneficiary of a “cash mob.” The concept is simple — show up at the appointed business with $10-20 or more in hand and shower the shop with purchases. It’s a great way for neighbors to support one another. For Thursday, the cash mob is at Stephanie Cave Design Studio, 7 Green St., starting right at 7 p.m. It’s right next to, have I mentioned, Brad Brown’s ribs?
Block Party!: The Boston Centers for Youth and Family host a free cookout, complete with music, ice cream and games at Curtis Hall Community Center from 5-7 p.m. at 20 South St.
A Handy Map: Below I’ve embedded the map to the 52 spots that are hosting art or music or, in case I didn’t mention them, Brad Brown’s ribs?
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