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Orange Line Crime Stays Roughly Level For Most Serious Incidents

Table for crime on the Orange Line, from MBTA Police report comparing first six months of 2013 and 2014
Table for crime on the Orange Line, from MBTA Police report comparing first six months of 2013 and 2014

While the most serious crime categories fell slightly across the entire T in the first six months of 2014 as compared to that period in 2013, they edged slightly up on the Orange Line.

You can dig into the numbers in the full Transit Police report embedded below. (If the embed doesn’t work on your device, here’s a link to the report.)


Orange Line “Part I” crime — firearm and knife assaults, rape, arson and other serious incidents — ticked up slightly from 97 to 99 incidents. Serious assaults nearly doubled from 10 to 19 while robberies fell from 37 to 23. Simple assaults, which are “Part II” crimes, plummeted from 73 to 54.

The T has increased patrols in the Stony Brook Station area as the summer has already seen three shootings at or near the station.

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