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Little Library Boom in JP is Part of World-Wide Trend

The proliferation of “Little Libraries” is being seen from South Korea to Qatar. There are at least five in Jamaica Plain.

According to a story in The Atlantic, the unofficial libraries are booming around the world.

The map in the gallery above just shows libraries created in the “Little Free Library” network. It doesn’t show many do-it-yourself efforts, like the one across from the JP Branch Library built by the Karma Carpenter.

“We have a natural sense of wanting to be connected, but there are so many things that push us apart,” one little library builder in Wisconsin told The Atlantic. “I think Little Free Libraries open the door to conversations we want to have with each other.”


Little libraries in Jamaica Plain include ones at the following locations:

  • Bardwell and South streets
  • Wenham Street
  • St. Rose Street
  • Pond Street
  • Chestnut Avenue and Paul Gore Street

Over at Universal Hub, Adam Gaffin has been keeping an eye on little libraries popping up all over the city.

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