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New Orange Line Station Opens Job Opportunities for JP Residents

Assembly Station, set to open in August or September 2014, is on the Orange Line between Wellington and Sullivan Square.
Assembly Station, set to open in August or September 2014, is on the Orange Line between Wellington and Sullivan Square.

If you live in JP and are looking for work, the opening of a new Orange Line station at Somerville’s massive Assembly Square could make an easy commute for you.

Construction is nearing a close for the new Assembly Station, which is between the Sullivan Square and Wellington stops. The headhouses, i.e. the above-ground parts of the station, were just finished, according to BostInno.


Big retailers are already open at Assembly Square, including the much-hyped LEGOLAND Discovery Center. The Danish toy-maker is hiring, as are many other Assembly Square tenants. Here’s a list of openings. They include:

Of course these jobs are all reachable now via the Orange Line’s Sullivan Square station. You’d just need to add a walk or ride on the 95 Bus.

Here’s a map of the MBTA including the new Assembly Station.

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