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First Thursday Ca$h Mob to Benefit Kitchenwitch

Last updated on June 5, 2014

Rise and shine, JP. Here’s your Morning Memo for Thursday, June 5.

Ca$h Mob Will Help Kitchenwitch: A new wrinkle that Andrew Zarro, director of Centre/South Main Streets, has brought to First Thursday is naming of a local business to be the beneficiary of a “cash mob” during the monthly celebration of the arts along Centre/South. On Thursday starting at 7:30 p.m., that beneficiary is the spunky kitchen store that could, Kitchenwitch. Just bring $10 or $20 or more to lavish on the thoughtfully-chosen wares at 671 Centre St.

First Thursdays Artwalk: Of course that cash mob comes right in the middle of the June First Thursdays Artwalk. It’s true the forecast is for rain, but First Thursdays are always lively. More than 40 shops, restaurants and galleries are hosting artists of various kinds from 5-9 p.m. all along the district served by the business development organization Centre/South Main Streets. Here’s a handy map.

Inca Son Plays at City Feed: One of my top picks for Thursday’s Artwalk is squeezing in to the Centre Street City Feed for a concert by members of the renowned Inca Son band. The group has something approaching legendary status in Andean music, so you won’t want to miss it. 6-8 p.m. at City Feed, 672 Centre St. Below I’ve embedded a taste of what you’ll hear.

Have a great day, JP! See you tonight for First Thursdays Artwalk.

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