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Egleston Farmers Market Returns on Saturday

The Food Project is one of many vendors selling local produce, seedlings, meat, fish, bread, cheese, eggs, wine, spices, and prepared foods at Egleston Farmers Market, opening for the season on Saturday, June 7 for a local foods BBQ lunch from 11am-2pm. The market is open on Saturdays, 10am-2pm, June-February, at Our Lady of Lords Parish Hall, 45 Brookside Ave., JP.
The Food Project is one of many vendors selling local produce, seedlings, meat, fish, bread, cheese, eggs, wine, spices, and prepared foods at Egleston Farmers Market, opening for the season on Saturday, June 7 for a local foods BBQ lunch from 11am-2pm. The market is open on Saturdays, 10am-2pm, June-February, at Our Lady of Lords Parish Hall, 45 Brookside Ave., JP.

It’s a beautiful day, JP. Here’s your Morning Memo for Tuesday, June 3.

Egleston Farmers Market Returns Saturday With Barbecue: The vibrant Egleston Farmers Market is back on Saturday. Woot! It’s on Saturdays going forward from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall, 45 Brookside Ave. Opening day features a barbecue with pig cooked by a chef from Tres Gatos. There will be veggie options too (plus Sam Adams). Entrance to the BBQ, which runs 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, is $10 and includes food and a drink. RSVP via Facebook here.

Neighborhood Council Committee Talks Public Art: Much of the work of the JP Neighborhood Council is done in committee. On Tuesday, the Public Service committee holds its June meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Curtis Hall, 20 South St. Items on the agenda include potential new art projects, like murals; city planning for Centre and South streets and improving bike safety.

City Hall Plaza Collapse Threat: The city waited years to repair a structural problem that might’ve led to a collapse on the huge public space where concerts, circuses and multiple festivals have taken place. The problem is fixed now. The Herald has the details.

Work in Cambridge? New Bus Service Might Help Your Commute: For years, I commuted from JP to Davis Square on the T. It was no fun having take the Orange Line, switch to the Red Line at Downtown Crossing and back out to Davis. There’s a new “pop-up” bus service called “Bridj” which aims to fill in gaps in T service. They have a route from Coolidge Corner to Kendall Square that apparently is attracting JP residents, according to BostInno.

Enjoy the great weather, JP.

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