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Buy Art, Help the Jamaica Plain Music Festival

Hello neighborhood, here’s your Morning Memo for all things JP for Thursday, May 29.

Ian Adams' "Bald Guy With Octopus Neck" is one of the items up for silent auction at Art4Music on Sunday to benefit the JP Music Festival.
Ian Adams\’ \”Bald Guy With Octopus Neck\” is one of the items up for silent auction at Art4Music on Sunday to benefit the JP Music Festival.

Add Great Art to Your Life, Support the Music Festival: On Sunday it’s the single biggest fundraiser for one of JP’s great events —— the JP Music Festival. “Art4Music” will be held at James’s Gate, 5 McBride St., on Sunday from 1-5 p.m. You can RSVP at this Facebook page. And here’s a gallery of the great local art available in the silent auction.

Emily Rooney Stepping Down from “Greater Boston”: One of the city’s best civic affairs programs will be getting a new host come January.

Yes, Boston is Growing Fast: Boston Business Journal has an interesting report on new Census numbers that show the state as a whole added 130,000 residents in the last three years — and that 25,000 of those came to Boston. And of course we’re feeling that here in JP. For instance, the Neighborhood Council is looking for residents to help with a committee to address the mushrooming growth in Forest Hills, where more than 1,000 housing units are likely to be built through 2018.

Have a great day, JP.

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