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Even With Rainy Forecast, ‘Boston Shines’ Cleanup is Saturday

The mayor’s liaison to Jamaica Plain confirms that despite the rainy forecast for the early part of Saturday, this year’s “Boston Shines” cleanups will go ahead.

The annual street cleaning was scheduled for April 26 and 27. Jamaica Plain cleanups will be held Saturday, rain or shine, according to Jullieanne Doherty, City Hall’s representative in JP.

At least one group will be meeting at Curtis Hall between 9 and 9:30 a.m. to pick up tools, gloves and supplies, according to an email from Andrew Zarro at JP Centre/South Main Streets. That cleaning will go on until 1 p.m.

Even if you haven’t signed up, it’s easy to join a cleanup. If there’s one on your street you’ll see neighbors gathering and piles of brooms, gloves, etc. Even if you can’t participate, please help the volunteers out by moving your car.

The rain may end early, so bring a poncho, but you might not need it the whole time.

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