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Mayor Walsh Talks JP in Reddit “Ask Me Anything”

Last updated on July 21, 2014

In a play to show he’s the most social media savvy mayor Boston’s ever seen, Mayor Marty Walsh hosted an “Ask Me Anything,” live event on the social network Reddit on Thursday afternoon.

Visitors were open to pose any questions to the newly elected mayor. Of course, some Jamaica Plain questions were thrown into the mix.

One question came in about bike and pedestrian safety in JP:

“As a daily bike commuter, I often encounter some extremely disturbing purposeful motorist intimidation if I go south of the monument in JP or east of the southwest corridor (especially, but not limited to, places with shared lanes and/or no bike facilities). Aside from a real need for capital improvements and more aggressive physical calming measures, what other things is your administration working on to protect the safety of both pedestrians and cyclists?”

Mayor Walsh said he’s considering solutions to make biking in the city more safe:

“We also have to explore the idea of cycle tracks so walkers, runners and bikers can enjoy themselves in safety,” he said.

Another question was related to improvements to Franklin Park:

“Franklin Park is a tremendous urban amenity, but the current design and surrounding street layout make it feel rather cut off from the rest of the city. I feel that a major reprogramming and redesign of the park and surrounding streets could help connect it back to the city and help revitalize the surrounding neighborhoods. Is this something that is on your radar?” the poster wrote.

“I look forward to working with the Friends of Franklin Park and coming up with creative ways that everyone is ensured an opportunity to enjoy the park,” said Mayor Walsh.

What questions did you have for Mayor Walsh? How do you feel he answered the JP-centric questions? Tell us in the comments.

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