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Video Underground is Moving to Egleston Square

Kevin Koppes, co-owner of Video Underground, pauses for a photo on March 13, 2014.
Kevin Koppes, co-owner of Video Underground, pauses for a photo on March 13, 2014.

One of Jamaica Plain’s signature businesses is on the move — but it will stay in the neighborhood.

Video Underground‘s co-owner, Kevin Koppes, announced Wednesday night that the store will move to Egleston Square after nearly a dozen years in Hyde Square. The new location will be 3203 Washington St.

“We’re very much looking forward to a fresh start in Egleston Square while maintain[ing] the connections to JP we’ve enjoyed over the years,” Koppes wrote in an email. “We have nothing but thanks and appreciation for those of you who have either assisted us in our quest to keep things going or helped spread the word about our current and future plans.”

The relocation is scheduled to take place May 15. They’ll be in the London Fashion space that’s now labeled 3205 Washington St. Koppes said the space will be subdivided into three and the Video Underground portion will be 3203.

“While we’re now going to be closer to the edge than the heart of Jamaica Plain,” Koppes wrote, “I’m hoping we can remain a fixture and a resource for the community going forward.”

Fans of the indie video store have gone through ups and downs this spring. On Feb. 17, Video Underground announced on its Facebook page that it would be closing soon.

But that was before Koppes — a cinephile, entrepreneur (and Celtics blogger) – saw that post on Facebook.

The Iowa City transplant says he ran down to the 385 Centre St. store and started talking to owner Josiah Simmons and other board members. He quickly found out that the problems pushing the iconic shop into closing were surmountable.

Koppes came on as a co-owner with Simmons, who bought the store from founder Evonne Wetzner in 2011.

Previous coverage:

Video Underground Stays Open, Seeks to Rejuvenate Itself

Video Underground is Closing

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