Good morning, neighborhood! Here’s your morning memo for Thursday, April 10:

Don’t Park at Fire Hydrants: Our first item isn’t from JP itself, but it is such a good reminder that I had to share. You may have heard there was a big fire in East Boston on Wednesday. It’s bad enough that the Boston Fire Department has to battle flames and smoke. They also have to battle idiots who park at fire hydrants. Take a look, via @NEFireBuff, at what happens.
Novelist Randy Susan Meyers: The author of “The Murderer’s Daughters” and “The Comfort of Lies” speaks at the JP Branch Library on Thursday, 6:30-7:45 p.m. Free. 12 Sedgwick St.
JP Design Store Expands to Provincetown: There was just way too much design savvy packed into that small storefront at 68 South St. Room 68 reports via their Facebook page that their new space in Provincetown is nearly done.
More Free City-sponsored WiFi Coming Soon: The city is amping up its WiFi network (regrettably called “Wicked Free WiFi.”) Most of the hot spots are in Dorchester and Roxbury right now, but the network aims to expand. The only ones in JP so far, at least according to the city’s map, are at Jamaicaway and Pond.
It’s a beautiful day. Hope you have a good one.